Upleveling A/B Testing with AI for Conversion Optimization

With artificial intelligence (AI) generated content sending traditional SEO into a tailspin, converting traffic that does make it to the website is more important than ever to marketers.

The challenge in our digital age is that traditional A/B testing methods are slow, resource-intensive, and miss hidden opportunities. Click To Tweet

Since the early days of digital marketing, one common way to improve on-page conversions has been A/B testing. The challenge in our digital age is that traditional A/B testing methods are slow, resource-intensive, and miss hidden opportunities. 

Enter A/B testing with AI and machine learning, a game-changer that supercharges optimization efforts. Let’s look at ways to uplevel your A/B testing with AI to optimize conversions.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing or bucket testing, is a randomized experiment that compares two versions of content to determine which one performs better. As this graphic shows, A/B testing is an effective tool to increase website and landing page performance.

A/B testing with AI

Source: FinancesOnline

The testing process involves randomly showing users two or more page variants and then using statistical analysis to determine which version performs better. 

Marketers can use the results to measure user behavior and make decisions based on statistics.

Marketers use these tests to optimize marketing campaigns, improve UI/UX, and increase conversions. For example, a marketer can test adding a payment method to an e-commerce store to see if it increases or decreases average revenue per user. Other assets testers can analyze include landing pages, display ads, buttons, and headlines.

Limitations of A/B Testing

Resources are the main limiting factors in traditional AB testing results. Anyone experienced with conventional testing knows that complexity quickly reaches an upper limit if testing relies on manual entries and calculations. Here are some examples:

Time and resource intensive. Setting up, running, and analyzing A/B tests can be time-consuming and require technical expertise. This limiting factor can be a hurdle for smaller companies or teams with limited resources.

Limited scope. Traditional A/B tests only offer insights into the variables you specifically test. They might miss broader behavior patterns or complex interactions between elements.

Difficulty achieving statistical significance. For low-traffic websites or tests of subtle changes, reaching statistical significance (where you can be confident the results are accurate and not due to chance) can be challenging, leaving you unsure of the winner.

Static and short-sighted. Traditional tests assume a stable environment, but visitor behavior and trends can shift over time. Traditional testing often struggles to optimize dynamic elements like product descriptions that constantly change based on user data or inventory. AI brings agility and personalization to this challenge.

Limited understanding of “why.” While this method shows what works, it often doesn’t reveal the underlying reasons why. This can limit your ability to apply learnings to future optimizations.

Not ideal for personalized experiences. Traditional A/B testing struggles to personalize experiences for individual users based on their unique behavior and needs.

AI-led Optimization of A/B testing

AI improves A/B testing in several ways. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, uncovering hidden patterns and predicting prospect behavior with remarkable accuracy. 

This capability enables continuous, self-optimizing tests that adapt in real-time, identifying winning elements and delivering the best experience to each user. Gone are the days of static tests; AI unlocks a dynamic, data-driven approach to conversion rate optimization (CRO). Let’s look at some further benefits. 

Benefits of A/B Testing With AI

Here are several ways AI changes the game with A/B testing:

Content Creation

No more writer’s block! Generative AI can help craft compelling A/B test variations for website copy, email campaigns, or social media posts. Consider it an intelligent collaborator who understands your brand voice and target audience, suggesting headlines, CTAs, and personalized greetings for different user segments.

Develop & Validate New Insights

Say goodbye to brainstorming in the dark. AI tools can analyze user data and past test results to suggest promising design tweaks, ad copy variations, or landing page layouts. Think of it as having a data-driven muse to spark your creativity and guide your testing roadmap.

Generate More Visuals

Ditch stock photos and generic visuals. AI algorithms can churn out unique, personalized images tailored to your target audience and specific test variables. Imagine dynamically generating product images that match a user’s search history or preferences, boosting engagement and click-through rates.

A/B Testing with AI Analyzing Results:

Go beyond basic conversion metrics. AI algorithms can delve deeper into user actions, uncovering hidden patterns and correlations that traditional analysis might miss. Imagine automatically identifying which user segments respond best to specific elements, allowing you to personalize your website and campaigns for maximum impact.

AI unlocks even deeper optimization through multivariate testing, analyzing the complex interplay of multiple variables simultaneously for truly data-driven decision-making.

By leveraging AI across these areas, A/B testing transforms from a manual, time-consuming process into a powerful engine for continuous optimization and data-driven decision-making.

How Can AI Improve Conversion Rates?

AI has the potential to significantly improve conversions by scaling the number of variables and increasing hyper-personalization.

A/B Testing on Steroids

AI can automate and optimize A/B testing, making it faster, more efficient, and more insightful. Among the benefits are:

Testing hundreds of variations. AI can simultaneously test multiple variations of website elements, ad copy, and landing pages, uncovering the optimal combination much faster than traditional methods.

Real-time conversion optimization. AI can analyze results in real-time and automatically adjust tests to optimize performance, ensuring you always show each user the best version.

Deeper insights. AI can analyze on-page actions beyond clicks and conversions, revealing hidden patterns and reasons behind user choices, leading to more informed optimization decisions.


AI can analyze vast amounts of user data, including demographics, browsing history, and past interactions, to tailor experiences to individual users, including:

Dynamic content. AI can personalize website content, product recommendations, and email campaigns based on individual preferences, increasing engagement and relevance.

Targeted ads. AI can analyze user actions to deliver highly relevant ads with higher click-through rates and conversions.

Personalized offers and discounts. AI can suggest customized discounts or promotions based on a user’s purchase history and interests.

With any new tool, the question is, “How do we get started?” Funnel Envy can help

Below is a simple 5-step overview to give you a framework. 

Implementing AI in the A/B Testing Process: A Five-Step Guide

Implementing an AI-powered A/B testing regime can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Define Your Objectives: Set clear goals – what metrics do you want to improve with AI-powered testing? Conversions, engagement, or something else?
  2. Choose the Right AI Tool: Research your options based on budget, ease of use, and your specific needs (e.g., sample size, image generation, content creation).
  3. Create Different Variants: Craft variations for your test elements, leveraging AI suggestions for personalization or generating multiple options simultaneously.
  4. Analyze Your Results: Utilize the AI tool’s advanced analytics to uncover hidden patterns, go beyond basic conversion data, and understand on-page actions.
  5. Apply Your Learnings: Adapt your website, personalize experiences, and inform future campaigns based on the insights and winning variations identified by AI.

Moving Ahead with A/B Testing with AI

Have you started implementing AI into your A/B testing, or are you planning to do so soon? It can feel complex and a bit intimidating to start on your own. At Funnel Envy, we have the experience and resources to help you set up and analyze your campaigns. Reach out today to learn more!

By |2024-02-22T19:49:19-08:00March 4th, 2024|A/B Testing|0 Comments

Softening the Ask – How to Improve Opt-in Form Conversions

The internet triggered a revolution in most fields, and marketing is no exception. The ability to track people’s online behavior gave marketers critical new data and insights into consumer behavior. 

Capturing information via online forms added additional value—for example, email addresses. Unlike traditional mail, email was relatively free. While free can be great for a business, it also lowers the barrier to entry. Users’ email accounts soon became swamped with spam. 

Eventually, the FTC regulated email standards, but people today still face crowded inboxes and are more concerned with privacy than in the past. Many are wary of filling out forms and sharing their information on websites.

The challenge for marketers is that forms are still essential to lead generation and sales. From landing pages to websites, Hubspot reported in 2020 that 83 (48%) of 173 study respondents say forms are their highest converting tool.

How to Improve Opt-in Form Conversions

Source: HubSpot

Whether it’s a sign-up form for a newsletter or a contact form for inquiries, how you frame these forms can significantly impact conversion rates. In an era where people are increasingly cautious about sharing their personal information online, the art of “softening the ask” becomes crucial.

Let’s look at a few steps marketers can take to encourage web visitors to complete an online form.

Create a Form Audit

Before you dive into tweaking your forms, it can be helpful to know where to start. “Create a form” audit for your forms is a valuable tool. Here are some characteristics of high-performing forms to get you started. 

  1. Is the form context distraction-free? 
  2. Is there a compelling benefit to filling out the form?
  3. Is the first step effortless?
  4. Do the instructions offer clear guidance? 
  5. Do error messages do more than just point out errors? Do they help the user fix the error? 
  6. Does the password input field give an option to see the password? 
  7. Are you using drop-down menus for lengthy lists? (Hint – you want to avoid drop downs because they can introduce decision fatigue)
  8. Does the form leverage microcopy to guide users? 
  9. Does the form validate responses in the field? 
  10. Do you have relevant social proof?
  11. Do longer forms have multiple steps and progress indicators?
  12. Is the submit/CTA button optimized
  13. If there are any next steps after filling out the form, are they clear? 

You can also incorporate some of the following ideas into your audit to improve your opt-in form conversion rate. 

Build Trust

“Softening the ask” boils down to building trust. Asking users to provide their information is a matter of timing. People are protective of their personal data, and their experience on the website needs to inspire trust. 

Walk In Their Shoes – The Buyer’s Journey

Understand where your visitors are in their buyer’s journey. When they feel they are in the right place, they are more likely to see filling out a form as the natural next step. 

Are they in the early research phase or signaling intent to purchase? Tailor your content and benefits accordingly. For those in the early stages, offer educational resources. Quizzes are a way to gamify forms and work well for some audiences. Prospects closer to a decision may appreciate a free trial or a personalized demo.

Gartner reports that B2B prospects’ behavior is changing. They prefer a digital-first approach and spend up to half their discovery phase in DIY research. 33% would rather not talk to a salesperson to complete a sale. That means forms leading to a direct sales contact or call back aren’t likely to convert as many as forms offering deeper dive information, like webinars or research studies. 

Points for Professionalism 

Make sure the form looks professional. You want to serve up something other than an equivalent of a used car salesman cliche experience. A poorly designed form doesn’t inspire trust. A visually noisy popup that keeps interrupting them feels intrusive and can cause prospects to click away. 

Visual Cues – Logos and Badges

Visual cues such as trust badges, security logos, and affiliations with respected organizations can convey a sense of trustworthiness. Users who see these symbols on your website are likelier to believe you’ll handle their information responsibly.


Sharing testimonials from satisfied customers can have a profound impact on form conversion. Testimonials are the equivalent of online word-of-mouth recommendations. Real-life success stories and endorsements help potential leads see your value and encourage them to take the next step. 

Be strategic about testimonials. Generalized kudos pack a weak punch. Tailor testimonials to highlight your USP and answer your buyers’ conscious and subconscious objections.

Privacy Transparency

Be transparent about how you intend to use the information collected. A clear privacy policy is a legal requirement and can also be a selling point. Your statement should outline how you use, store, and protect their data. Make sure users know that you respect their privacy and are committed to safeguarding their data. You can also reinforce this point in the confirmation email with a link to your privacy statement.  

User Experience – Keep It Simple

Various studies have shown that the more fields there are to fill out, the higher the abandonment rate. So, one of the easiest ways to increase conversions is to decrease the number of required fields on the form to no more than three. 

Some B2B companies get around this by offering a valuable lead magnet for free, like original research or detailed templates. They use multistep opt-in forms to segment and gain more information about leads, such as company size and occupation. 

Placement and Pacing Matters 

Try to position opt-in forms toward the top of the page, above the fold. Even for mobile phones and tablets, devices that don’t have a “fold” per se, presenting the form sooner rather than later is a best practice. The idea is to capture their attention so you don’t have to rely on them scrolling down to encounter the form. 

That only gives you a little time to make a compelling case for why they should convert, so be clear about your unique value proposition (UVP), what benefit they will receive, and what will happen next. 

Consider breaking the form into multiple steps for longer forms, like payment forms or intake questionnaires. Venture Harbour reported that breaking the form into multiple steps improved conversions by 300%. If it works for your audience, try quizzes, which are multiple-step forms in disguise. 

Variety and Personalization

Bombarding users with the exact offers repeatedly feels like an annoying buzzing fly. If they’ve already received a whitepaper download offer, don’t present it to them again on the same page, especially if they opted in. Instead, track their progress and personalize the experience by showing them responsive content or offers that align with their behavior signals. 

Moving Ahead

Fine-tuning website form performance can be challenging. Create forms that build trust and encourage user engagement by addressing emotional considerations, displaying trust signals, considering context, and tailoring content.

The good news is that form performance is easy to test. The more challenging part is the tech behind the analytics for form optimization. At Funnel Envy, we have the expertise and tools to help you dial in your website form performance and increase conversions. Give us a call today.

By |2023-09-21T07:10:26-07:00October 2nd, 2023|Analytics, A/B Testing|0 Comments

3 Keys to Optimizing Software Services Landing Pages

B2B SaaS companies compete in crowded industry sectors, selling intangible services that often address complex problems. Landing pages play a crucial competitive role in attracting interested leads and converting them to the next step in the sales funnel. 

And it turns out that less is not more regarding landing pages, especially for B2B. HubSpot reports that companies with 40 or more landing pages see a 55% increase in leads.

Optimizing Software Services Landing Pages

Source: Hubspot

Your landing pages are a significant stop for your buyers’ journey. From design to testing, optimizing a landing page can be costly. That’s why even though there are dozens of variables to test, we suggest you start with optimizing three main areas that function as performance levers for landing pages. Landing pages with video testimonials, excellent sales copy, and a friction-free user experience will put you ahead of the game.

Landing pages with video testimonials, excellent sales copy, and a friction-free user experience will put you ahead of the game. Click To Tweet

Video Testimonials to Optimize SaaS Landing Pages

Video testimonials on your landing page are a powerful way to build trust and credibility with potential customers. People are more likely to trust the experiences and opinions of actual clients and customers than any marketing jargon. 

Get Specific With Your Testimonials

To make the most impact, create specific testimonials. Ask for statements about how your solution solved a particular problem for the customer. Interview formats work well because the viewer can see themselves in the dynamic as long as you ask the kinds of questions that your ideal client would ask. This approach also builds trust by positioning your brand in the context of authentic conversations.

Production Value Still Matters in B2B Videos

We are in an era where casual video is the norm, and in many cases, that’s acceptable. For testimonials, though, you want to take some extra time to make the recording as polished as possible. Most SaaS companies will benefit from videos that have decent production value. 

Smartphone cameras are fairly good; just be sure you use a tripod, have good lighting, clear audio, and a well-framed shot. You want the viewer to focus on the speakers, not be distracted by issues with the video itself. 

You can save time and money by batching your production and creating shorter videos from longer interview footage when creating multiple videos for testing. 

Straightforward Copy

While online marketing has been around since the 1990s, sales pages predate the internet with direct copy marketers from the 1950s and even earlier. Today’s B2B prospects are busier and more skeptical than ever. While testing will help you identify what’s resonating with your audience, here are some tips for landing page copy that converts:

  • Build your copy around a single conversion goal: While giving people choices may seem like a good idea, research shows that the more options you offer people, the more they delay the decision. With landing pages, this translates into a higher bounce rate.
  • Lead with benefits: Describe your services’ benefits before presenting a laundry list of features.
  • Be specific: Focus on specific pain points and how your solution helps them achieve their goals.
  • Be succinct: While longer landing pages perform better in some cases, longer doesn’t mean rambling with filler copy. Wandering copy causes busy people to lose interest and click away. Grammarly is your friend not only for correctness but for flagging wordiness. Prospects who can easily follow the structure of the content flow stay on the page longer.
  • Personalize the experience: Don’t show the same offer repeatedly to a returning visitor that you deliver to a first-time visitor. 

Unfortunately, even the perfect landing page copy can’t fix bounce rates from poor user experience. Let’s look at how to improve your visitor’s experience on the landing page. 

User Experience Keys for B2B Landing Pages

B2B prospects are busy. Most expect an almost seamless user experience from the sites they visit. From a page design perspective, the book “Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug is an excellent resource for improving user experience and conversions. 

In addition, check the tech behind the page performance by testing for the following:

Compatibility Across Devices

People use various devices and operating systems to browse the internet. They expect a uniform experience across all devices. The same viewer may start looking at your landing page on their laptop, then leave the office and pull it up on their phone while waiting for a friend at a coffee shop. 

Ensuring that your SaaS landing page is compatible with various devices and browsers is crucial for conversions. A responsive design that automatically adjusts the page layout to fit different screen sizes and devices ensures a seamless user experience across devices.

Loading Speed and Performance

Slow-loading pages are deadly to your landing page results. Engaging visual design is essential, yet it should never come at the cost of loading speed and performance. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in loading time can significantly impact bounce rates. 

If your landing page takes too long to load, potential customers might abandon it before seeing your offerings.

Optimize your landing page by compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and using efficient coding practices. Prioritize performance to ensure your prospects have a smooth and satisfying experience, regardless of their internet connection or device.

Moving Ahead with SaaS B2B Landing Page Strategies

At the core, landing pages are an opportunity to build trust and credibility with potential customers. Delivering an excellent user experience and clear value proposition will go a long way in converting visitors into loyal users.

If you think dozens of well-crafted, longer landing pages will lead to more leads, you’re not wrong – but there is a catch. The caveat is that the more complex your outreach, the more essential testing is to be sure you are making the right choices. 

And testing is where our expert team at FunnelEnvy can assist. We work with clients in many industries, from consumer healthcare to industrial equipment. We provide customized assistance to our clients with all elements of their landing page design, from technical aspects like page speed and caching to form fields and CTA design.

Are you interested in finding out more? Just click here to complete a short quiz that we’ve created to help us learn more about your needs and how we may be able to help.

By |2023-08-09T00:31:45-07:00August 21st, 2023|Landing Pages|0 Comments

The 4 Top CRO Tips For 2023

It may have taken a couple of decades to perfect the modern internet, but nowadays, technology is getting more advanced by the day. Recently, we’ve been hearing a lot about how AI and blockchain will revolutionize how we do business. It’s critical to stay current on these developments as they relate to your business.

But at the same time, many of the strategies doled out on how to respond to advancing technology look surprisingly similar to “the old way.” Often, tech just asks us to use existing principles of sales, marketing, and business with a new platform or tool.

In this article, we’re diving into four ways to think about conversion rate optimization (CRO) given everything we know about how technology is advancing this year – and beyond.

Revisit Your SEO Practices

We don’t always associate search engine optimization (SEO) with conversion rate optimization. The premise of SEO is getting new traffic to your site, after all. Smart marketers know they should consider user intent long before someone even lands on their page.

Smart marketers know they should consider user intent long before someone even lands on their page. Click To Tweet

That’s because the more people who get to your page, the better – as long as they have the right intentions. Having good enough SEO to attract visitors who aren’t interested in your offering might produce some good vanity metrics but ultimately won’t help you drive business goals. To rectify this issue, you need to consider SEO to attract the right traffic.

You can assess the way you incorporate keywords on different kinds of pages to see if it still makes sense for your intended audience. Don’t forget to examine your fundamental keyword strategy, too. Since most SEO success often comes from going for longtail keywords, if your target audience has changed, your longtail keywords may also change.

Audit the Forms in Your Funnel

Form optimization is a long, dynamic subject matter that could fill up its own blog post (or a whole series). But the foundation of it is the same as it’s always been: go through all appropriate forms and make sure there are no obstacles, distractions, or errors that arise. Ideally, you can break this down into two parts: first, audit your forms internally from a technical perspective, making sure they work with the right software and functions in your business – like a CRM or marketing automation tool.

The second part of the audit is about your users’ perspective. If possible, try to get a person outside your internal marketing team, preferably a prospective customer or someone with similar characteristics. You’ll typically get more cooperation with this form testing when you offer to compensate participants, even if it’s a simple thing like a small discount or virtual gift card.

Here are a few questions to keep in mind as you go through the testing process:

  • Are people completing your forms in the amount of time you expected?
  • Is relevant information on form pages easy enough to find?
  • Are any parts of the form unclear or confusing?
  • Does the form’s language resonate with users?

Test Load Times and Technical Elements 

Load time is a significant factor in getting people to visit your site and convincing them to convert. According to statistics by Google, an increase in load time from 1 second to 5 seconds can increase a page’s bounce rate by 90%. If a critical page of your funnel is loading slowly, it can hinder your marketing efforts.

There are plenty of tools available that can help marketers improve load speed and related technical slowdowns. Google’s PageSpeed test is a good starting point – based on your results there, you’ll either want to develop a plan to cut down on elements slowing down your page or ensure protocols are in place to keep the page loading at optimal speed. 

Depending on the nature of the technical challenges you’re running into, you may require outside help. Certain changes to your domain settings may need to be handled by your hosting provider, while more advanced changes to the site itself could require specialized help from a developer.

Diversify Funnel Media Types

Are you using  only long-form content and headers on every page throughout your funnel? Does your main landing page use the same video you’ve had for years? Unless your forms and funnel elements are already converting at a very high level, it’s always valuable to improve your content by diversifying its delivery. While prospects in certain industries may be more predisposed to specific kinds of content, no rule says you can’t switch it up. 

Video content is becoming increasingly popular in many industries, particularly with the rise in popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. There are also infographics, audio presentations, photos, etc. You might even want to consider the presentation of your content with elements like parallax scrolling and carousels. Even if you aren’t drastically changing the information you include when you make these adjustments, you’ll find it could still add a significant bump to your conversion rate – especially on pages and funnel elements that may have been struggling previously.

As you look to add new kinds of media to your mix, remember that you’ll need to track everything in some way. If you’re adding a new kind of video, for example, be sure you have the right software tools to track important metrics and incorporate them into the rest of your analytics.

Last Thoughts on CRO for 2023 and Beyond

The tools we use to conduct business have come a long way from the pen, paper, and snail mail days. Startups can access a wealth of information about people they’ve never met or interacted with. Technology is capable of helping a company achieve some truly inspiring things today.

Yet despite all the advancements, many of the fundamentals about selling remain strong; possibly even strongerr than in the pre-internet days. When you receive messages, emails, and notifications at every turn, the fundamentals stand out as even more important now. The core tenet of conversion rate optimization is getting more people to raise their hands and signify interest in your product or service. To do that, you need to attract more of the right people, remove technical blocks that prevent them from converting, and experiment with different types of content that can better educate them on why they need your offering.

Looking for some help implementing these or other CRO tips into your existing marketing campaigns? At FunnelEnvy, our optimization specialists have spent years studying what it takes to get people interested in our clients’ products and services. We’ll bring an objective eye to your digital marketing efforts while using our decades of combined experience to help you overcome any challenges you may be facing.

To get started, just click here to fill out a short quiz that will help us learn more about your organization and how we may be able to help you meet your marketing goals.

By |2023-05-03T22:23:27-07:00May 15th, 2023|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

Top B2B Marketing Landing Page Trends

A landing page is the critical element of a funnel upon which its broader results hinge. You could have slick visuals and top-notch marketing automation software – if an error or obstacle on your landing page prevents visitors from converting, it will constrain your results and limit the effectiveness of your digital marketing.

Even if your landing page has been working well and capturing a healthy number of people, it can always be optimized so that you can convert even more visitors. The bigger question is, how do you take steps to optimize your landing page?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone’s offering and their funnel will be slightly different. However, even in the dynamic world of B2B, where there is a strong focus on customization, our team has seen certain trends emerge across several industries.

Just remember, trends in landing page design operate the same way as trends in any other industry – fashion, art, music, etc. That means you don’t need to take this blog post as a comprehensive guide to all the elements you must include on a landing page. Think of it the way you might think about trends in clothing: you wouldn’t rush out and replace your entire wardrobe with only the items trending at this year’s top fashion shows.

Instead, you would look at what kind of clothes are trending, think about your signature style, and decide how you might incorporate a few popular pieces into what you already wear. The same goes for your landing page – instead of completely overhauling a page to keep up with the latest trends, decide which of them make sense and edit your pages accordingly.

Live Messaging and Chatbots

If you’ve been on any recently-updated landing page in the last year or two, you probably noticed a recurring pattern: a chat window pops up, often on the bottom-right side of your screen, prompting you to ask a question about a product or service, or perhaps giving you details of the company’s latest sale or launch.

The rise of support via messenger and chatbot platforms on company websites has been meteoric. According to Fortune, the global chatbot industry expects to grow at a rapid clip of 22.5% between 2020 and 2027. That significant growth rate didn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of customers in many industries preferring to get their questions answered immediately via chat instead of sitting on hold or waiting around for an email inquiry to get answered. Over 40% of customers prefer getting answers from chat immediately, compared to 32% who prefer the phone and 23% who prefer email.

You don’t need to build a sophisticated AI-based chat platform from scratch. Plenty of simple chat platforms allow you to use either a real person or a basic bot to message people who have questions about your offering. Check out tools like HubSpot, Drift, Intercom, and Twilio as a starting point in your search for live messenger and chatbot solutions.

Inclusive Design

According to Adobe, inclusive design is a style that “considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference.” In other words, it’s a design that allows the broadest range of people to view and use your landing page content, even if they use adaptive technology or have some type of disability.

A great place to start regarding inclusive design is the web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG), created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Government bodies, universities, and other organizations leading the way in accessible digital content use these guidelines.

A few simple elements that you can incorporate right away to improve accessibility:

  • Add captions to all video content, whether live or pre-recorded
  • Allow users to pause and play audio and video content
  • Allow users to resize text by at least 200% without assistive technology 
  • Don’t include any images or visual elements that flash more than three times

Progress Indicators and Icons

Another common element on today’s landing pages is some type of indicator to let users know how they are progressing on a form. Percentage bars or icons representing the number of form pages completed and remaining are a great addition to almost any landing page. By some metrics, you can increase your website’s conversion rate by 30% just by adding a progress bar to your landing page. 

Ideally, you want to keep your landing page to no more than four separate pages or sub-forms. If you need to collect more information than this, think about adjusting your funnel or trying to gather extra data after the conversion event has taken place. For example, if your landing page is to book appointments, there may be some kinds of information that you can collect on your first sales call instead of on the page form. Keeping your form as short as possible and letting people know how many more sub-forms they have to complete is a great way to improve landing page conversion.

Minimalist Design

Check out this landing page from Squarespace:

Landing page trends

Notice the simplicity: it has the company’s logo, the main form, and an option that allows visitors who aren’t ready to buy to return to the home page. This type of minimalist design is everywhere on modern landing pages, from those related to the most complex B2B software to those offering the most basic B2C commodity.

If you’re going for the minimalist approach, strike a good balance between design and functionality. Don’t sacrifice important information that prospects need to know simply to include as much space as possible. However, it can be helpful to re-evaluate your landing pages with a close eye to determine if there are elements that you may be able to remove.

A final tip for the minimalist or “blank space” approach: use colors that make the main elements of your page stand out. A white background typically means using brighter colors on elements like links, buttons, and headers. Be sure to pick a color scheme that works well together and doesn’t clash or cause any readability issues for visitors.

Final Thoughts On Landing Page Trends

Remember: you don’t need to adopt any of these trends on your existing landing pages, particularly if your funnel already works well at converting visitors. However, when looking to improve your landing page’s conversion rate, it can be helpful to look at current trends in landing page design as a starting point to determine what positive changes you could make.

Our expert team at FunnelEnvy can help by evaluating your landing page and identifying a few key areas you can improve. With only minor tweaks to your page, it’s possible to increase your conversion rate by a significant percentage that expands your marketing funnel and provides real gains to your organization’s bottom line.
Click here to complete a short quiz and find out more about how FunnelEnvy may be able to assist with optimizing your funnel’s landing page to incorporate some of the latest trends and designs for better results.

By |2022-09-21T04:41:22-07:00October 3rd, 2022|Landing Pages|0 Comments

The Reason Your B2B Website is No Longer Effective

The 1907 Quakers from the University of Pennsylvania were the juggernauts of college football. Heading into a home field matchup with the Carlisle Indians they had not only won, but dominated their previous seven games by a combined score of 189-10.

Their October home game on Franklin field against Carlisle wasn’t expected to be much different. Although the Indians were also undefeated, they were a group of unheralded, undersized players that the 22,800 fans in attendance didn’t give much of a chance against their mighty Quakers.

So what happened? Carlisle demolished Penn 26-6. The most notable play of the game was fullback Pete Hauer’s 40 yard perfect spiral pass that sports historians would later call one of the “three or four signal moments in the evolution of football” and “the sporting equivalent of the Wright brothers taking off at Kitty Hawk.”

These historians attribute Carlisle’s stunning upset that Saturday to Carlisle coach Pop Warner’s exploitation of a rule change that was adopted a couple of years earlier. In order to curb the surging violence in football schools adopted a number of rules changes, most notably legalizing the forward pass.

Warner decisively capitalized on this rule change, confusing the Quakers with long passes and new formations. Penn was playing by the old rules, and caught completely unprepared for the new era of football that they had the misfortune of writing into history that day.


By |2018-10-20T21:47:07-07:00March 7th, 2018|B2B, Uncategorized, The Funnel, Strategy, SaaS|0 Comments

7 Examples of Testimonials (and How They Drive Conversions)

No one can sell your product or service better than a happy customer.

Even if you’re one of the best salespeople online, testimonials make your promises more believable and tap into the social proof it takes to turn visitors into buyers.

Most businesses understand how important testimonials are and include them in their websites. But it’s how you choose, frame, and display the testimonials that ultimately determines whether they’ll be helpful for your conversions.

Solid testimonials are becoming even more important in today’s crowded marketplace. 63% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from a website if it has reviews and testimonials read testimonials. Imagine the impact on your business if you got yours right!

Keep reading to see the key concepts that make your testimonials resonate with the people who matter most: your target customers.


By |2015-09-09T11:30:40-07:00September 10th, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

Want to Create a Value Proposition Statement That Sells? Here’s How

A value proposition statement is more than just a business school buzzword.

It’s actually one of the most important keys to your success online.

With an effective value proposition, you tell your target customers exactly what they need to hear to get them wanting to do business with you… instead of anyone else.

Unfortunately, a lot of businesses get lost in the details. They either misunderstand the concept, what it takes to make it work, or a little bit of both.

Things don’t have to be so tough. Let’s break down why a value proposition statement is so crucial and what you can do to make yours resonate with your target customers in all the right ways.


By |2015-08-31T12:09:35-07:00September 1st, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How to Create an Awesome User Experience with Multiple Communication Channels

We live in a time of unprecedented choice.

From custom TV packages with thousands of channels to creating the perfect station on Pandora, consumers have come to expect plenty of options to suit their unique tastes.

Are you giving users different options to connect with you once they land on your website?

Or are you limiting them to email and online contact forms?

Putting the power of choice in users’ hands – opening up multiple communication channels – can lead to more leads and customers.


By |2014-07-28T09:09:50-07:00July 29th, 2014|The Funnel|0 Comments

What Pixar Studios Can Teach Us about Storytelling and Conversions

Chris Haddad started out like most information marketers: struggling.

He created a product in the dating niche designed to show women how to find the man of their dreams. But when he put a sales page together and launched it on ClickBank, it only converted at around 2%.

So Haddad tweaked his sales copy. He revamped the page by telling a personal story of all the techniques his girlfriend used to get his interest and keep it.

And the result? His conversions went up to 8%, and his product went on to become one of the best sellers on ClickBank.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques to engage users and turn them into customers. A lot of businesses aren’t taking advantage of it.

But you can.

Keep reading to see what some of the best storytellers around, Pixar Studios, can teach you about telling stories and increasing your conversions…


By |2014-07-11T00:07:01-07:00July 11th, 2014|The Funnel|0 Comments
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