If you care about B2B conversions, stop producing content

Houston, we have a problem.

As enterprise focused B2B marketers, we have a problem.

We all agree that we want to grow traffic to our website, turn the traffic into leads and convert the leads into customers.

Yet, we have all blindly trusted the theory that, producing more content, showing product options, displaying more testimonials, and creating more case studies will get you a bigger pipeline.   

Let us be the first to refute this claim: more is not better.

In fact, with every additional piece of content or white paper you are killing pipeline. Why, might ask?

Because you are simply overwhelming your customers.

Explanation please!?

To illustrate this point, let’s talk about Cognitive Load.

Cognitive load refers to the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory.

When we put irrelevant, unnecessary and distracting information in front of people, we fill up that working memory. The result is a decreased ability to absorb information, learn and ultimately make decisions.

While it may seem that having multiple content options on your website increases the likelihood that you will connect with your visitor, it actually has the opposite effect.

When customers are given too many content options you are forcing them to make decisions that take up their mental resources, derailing your chance at a direct path to purchasing.

Can someone say cognitive overload?!

Think about it this way: the most important factor in the design of a website is making it easier for customer to find what they want. Customers crave simple and easy navigation over anything else in regard to design.

most important factors in the design of a website

Most important factors in the design of a website

If your website presents multiple decisions for the user, you filled with decisions for users to make, you are not making it easy for them to find what they want!

Let’s break it down.

Let’s take a look at some examples unintentionally cognitive overload.


As marketers, we are producing too much content that is both expensive and unnecessary.

In reality, only a small portion of your content is necessary to help the customer move down the purchase funnel and it is our job as marketers to present that one (perfect) piece of content. Sadly, we are letting our customers down by allowing them to read irrelevant content and thus, introducing cognitive load.

produce more content

Produce more content

Calls to action.

While letting visitors chose from multiple CTA’s may seem like a great way to help customers find what they want, it actually leads them to confusion. Rather, you should be putting them on a specific path that you have identified as most effective for conversions.

Calls to Action

Multiple calls to action

Product options.

If you’re selling an enterprise focused product, it is likely that your website is showcasing all of the products and services that you offer. Again, this overwhelms customers. 

We should know about our customers well enough so that we are only showing the products that we believe (based on research) they are likely to buy! Don’t give them fifty options and hope their first selection is the one best suited for them.

analytic solutions

Analytic Solution

Case studies.

A customer only works in one industry; do not show them case studies from other industries where the use cases might be completely different. This content is irrelevant, distracting and increases cognitive load.

case studies

All case studies

Industry solutions.

We are asking customers to unnecessarily identify themselves. Having to go through a selection process, like the example below, does not inspire confidence that the software is well suited for a visitor’s industry.

industry solutions

Industry Solutions


Pricing options.

A multitude of pricing options is a perfect example of cognitive overload. We are overwhelming our customers with pricing options to the point where they don’t know which option to choose.

Target enterprise accounts shouldn’t see basic pricing tiers. Similarly, SMB’s shouldn’t see enterprise offerings. This substandard experience increases friction and reduces conversion rates!

pricing options

pricing options


It is time to stop – your are overwhelming your Customers.

So, what’s the solution then? How do we make sure customers aren’t overwhelmed with cognitive overload?

It’s simple: reduce content and only show the most relevant information.

Calls to Action

Calls to Action


Keeping this in mind, what if instead of showing everything to all of our visitors, we only showed the most relevant and effective calls to action?

Logos and Testimonials

Logos & Testimonials


What if we show the logos and testimonials that were most relevant to customer needs or highlighted the testimonials that most reflected their pain points?

pricing plans

Pricing Plans

What if we focused on and only showed the pricing that was going to be relevant for the given account and the features of those plans that were going to meet their needs?

customer experience

Customer Experience

What if we only showed customers relevant experiences based on what we knew about them? 

Doing things right

Doing things right

Doing this right has real and meaningful implications. 94% of buyers in a Demand Gen survey choose the winning vendor because that company demonstrated a stronger knowledge of their needs.

In an Accenture survey, half of B2B customers already expect improved personalized product or service recommendations. In fact, 65% of business buyers are likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t make an effort to personalize communications to their business.

The takeaways.

The more options you give customers, the more cognitive load you put on them. The result is a filled-up working memory and hindered ability to make decisions toward purchasing a product. 

Instead of producing more content, focus on showing the single experience that will resonate most with your customers!


How to Conduct Holiday Conversion Optimization Testing Without Losing Sales

conversion optimization

‘Tis the season for the holidays, consumer spending, and major ecommerce traffic increases. Over the next several weeks, the National Retail Federation estimates consumers will spend a staggering $655.8 billion, or just over $935 per person on gifts, services, and other holiday expenses. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other winter holidays will see a definite spike online: the NRF estimates online shopping will rise between 7% and 10% this year, reaching $117 billion.

What does this spike in activity mean for busy marketers who are focusing on conversion optimization? Can you conduct CRO testing during the holiday season without losing sales? (more…)

By |2016-11-08T05:08:47-08:00November 8th, 2016|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How to Measure and Improve Customer Satisfaction

How satisfied are your customers?

In our efforts to increase conversions and revenue, we often overlook questions like this. We’ll instead focus on landing page optimization, look at conversion rates and roll out split tests on our email campaigns.

There’s this implicit belief that the only real metric that contributes to revenue increase is conversion rate. It’s true to an extent. The higher your conversions, the more money you bring in.

But conversion rate isn’t the be all end all for making a little more money. There are myriad other elements that contribute to a healthy turnover, chief among them, customer satisfaction.

“How do satisfied customers help my bottom line?” you might ask. Well, the benefit of having a satisfied and content consumer base is three-fold.


By |2016-02-01T14:40:22-08:00February 2nd, 2016|Conversion Rate Optimization|1 Comment

5 Simple Steps to Product Descriptions that Rock!

Online shopping’s pretty awesome, right?

No need to traipse around a store, carry heavy bags or navigate the multitude of other shoppers desperate for a deal. It is simple, easy and straightforward.

But there’s a problem.

It seems to me there are too many copywriters out there who depend on the convenience of online shopping to do their job for them. Rather than properly optimizing their product descriptions they take the easy way out and simply list a few features. These descriptions are, for lack of a better description, interminably dull.

“But wait,” you say, “that’s what a product description is, it describes the features of the product.” Yes, you are right. A product description should describe the product. But that is not all they are trying to achieve. The real purpose of your product description is to sell.


By |2016-01-11T15:26:01-08:00January 12th, 2016|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

Increase Conversions by Taking on The Voice of Your Customer

What makes great copy?

It’s the million dollar question.

Your copy’s at the heart of nearly all your marketing efforts. From sales emails to blog posts and video scripts to social media updates. If your copy doesn’t hit the mark your campaign will fall far short of your goal.

The web is full of articles on the topic of creating better copy. We’re told to focus on the benefits, make it scannable, use power words and know what our audience wants.

All of these little nuggets of wisdom definitely help, but they’re something of a long way round. They require a lot of thought and analysis. They require hours of sitting at a desk and attempting to discern the deeper meaning of your product and how it appeals to your audience.

Fortunately for us all, there’s a little shortcut copywriters have been using for a long, long time.


Yup. I said it. Why torture yourself in a vain attempt at discovering a marketing epiphany when you can simply “borrow” the best messaging right from the mouths of your primary prospects?

Conversions aren’t born of witty slogans or clever copy, they’re the result of desire and trust. If you can convince your prospects that you’re one of them and know their pain, can build their desire for your product and establish yourself as a trustworthy solution provider, the battle is all but won. What better way to show them you understand their problems than by using their own words?

But surely stealing from your audience is bad,” you say. And yes, I’d be inclined to agree if we were talking about something of actual value, but we’re not. We’re talking about repurposing their language so that your brand better aligns with your prospect’s ideals, needs and opinions.


By |2015-12-30T14:42:51-08:00December 31st, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|1 Comment

How to Increase Your B2B Lead Conversion Rate

You’ve spent a huge amount of time optimizing your social media, PPC, email and content marketing strategies. And yet despite the respectable level of traffic you’re receiving, you’re not seeing a decent lift in lead conversions.

It’s a problem many B2B marketers face and it’s often rooted in the difficulty of finding high quality leads. Sure you can get the traffic and a decent level of interest, but more often than not that interest doesn’t converting into paying business.

We can sit here and wax lyrical about the problem being with the quality of leads, but that’s hardly a new revelation. Knowing the problem is completely different to knowing how to fix it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some proven steps you can take to increase the effectiveness of our B2B campaigns.


By |2015-12-22T09:25:57-08:00December 22nd, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|2 Comments

How to Find A/B Test Ideas that Work

What should you test next?

Do you start with your CTA placement and button color or would you be better served to optimize your headlines? It’s a difficult decision to make and one that marketing managers often struggle with. Unfortunately, it’s a confusion that frequently leads to one result. Copying the methodology of a well known CRO or case study.

Sure this can sometimes bring a good lift in conversions, but more often than not copying another business’s test isn’t going to win you many new customers even when following their instructions to the letter.

So what’s the deal? Why would a test that’s worked so well for one person utterly fail when implemented on another site?

Well, it’s all down to one reason.

That test – the one you’re copying – was intended for an audience different to your own. Your audience is unique and will interact with your site in completely different ways.  (more…)

By |2015-11-09T16:15:03-08:00November 10th, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

The 9 Often Overlooked Landing Page Optimization Hacks

Guess what I’d like to talk about today?

Landing pages!

I know, I know, it’s one of those topics that’s been covered a hundred times already. However, I don’t want to reiterate the need for compelling CTAs, persuasive copy or even go over the concept of form field reductions again.

We all know these things, and well, you’re probably as sick of hearing of them as I am writing about them.

What I would like to focus on instead are some of the lesser covered actions you can take to increase conversions. Don’t think that because these actions get less coverage that they’re less effective, in fact, I’d argue that taking the actions outlined on every CRO website are pretty useless if not coupled with these.  (more…)

By |2015-10-26T17:58:21-07:00October 27th, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Optimization Best Practices

So you’ve heard about the wonderful gains conversion rate optimization can offer.

A few little changes to your site and boom, before you know it your lists have exploded and sales are through the roof! If only it were that easy!

The truth is that many marketing managers are often disappointed at the success, or lack thereof, of their optimization campaigns. Despite following all of the advice online, they see little to no gains from their optimization campaigns.

Unfortunately, following online advice isn’t enough to get your campaign off the ground. The changes you make and the success they bring depends on your individual audience and their behavior.  It means that following the same process as someone else out there isn’t guaranteed to produce the same results.

However, that’s not to say there’s no useful advice for the budding optimization specialist out there. There are plenty of useful tips that can help you see a decent lift in your conversions.

Below, I’ll list 10 of the most widely accepted best practices for achieving a real lift in your conversions. However, before I do, there are a few things we need to cover first.  (more…)

By |2015-10-20T12:04:50-07:00October 20th, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments
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