Why CRO offers the Best ROI

What’s your favorite digital marketing channel?

Scratch that. What I should have asked is in which channel do you consider to be the most effective?

Thanks to the multifaceted world of digital marketing, today’s marketing manager has a huge range of potential channels to choose from. Do you focus on SEO to build traffic and visibility? Should you dive into your social media accounts to form stronger connections with your audience? What about direct response, will that help build a better business?

They’re all great options and can bring about some great results. But in my opinion and experience, none of them holds a candle to conversion rate optimization (CRO) when it comes to increasing profits.  (more…)

By |2015-09-07T20:06:18-07:00September 8th, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|2 Comments

Mobile Path to Purchase Study: Optimizing the Mobile Funnel

Intent to purchase: it is perhaps the least discussed and most important aspect of conversion optimization. Ultimately, you focus on improving your website conversions to attract leads, build better relationships with customers, and most of all make sales. The ability to identify when a customer has a firm intent to purchase gives you a clear advantage. But how can you identify the intent to purchase and take steps to foster it in today’s mobile environment? One new report is offering powerful insights for marketers, entrepreneurs, and data analysts thinking about this issue.

Telmetrics recently released their third annual Mobile Path to Purchase study, in partnership with XAd and the Nielsen Company. Each year, the study seeks to find data, trends, and patterns on what factors are influencing mobile device use in the United States. By extension, the analysts are able to identify consumer mobile usage behaviors and the implications for intent to purchase.

The results provide specific insights into a range of verticals from retail to travel. But there are major takeaways that can inform any mobile strategy.


By |2014-09-04T12:42:49-07:00September 5th, 2014|The Funnel|0 Comments

4 Risk Removal Best Practices to Turn Visitors into Buyers

There’s a game of tug of war going on in your prospects’ minds.

It happens every time someone lands on your website. Skepticism and doubt pull the rope in one direction. Compelling headlines, testimonials, and benefit-packed sales copy pull it the other way.

People want to believe your product or service can create the results you say it can. They want to take action and do business with someone they can trust.

But they’re stuck. They’ve seen too many shoddy businesses online. Many of them have been burned in the past. The doubt swirling in their minds keeps them from taking action.

How can you break this deadlock and convince more visitors to become buyers?

By strategically removing visitors’ perceived risk of doing business with you.


By |2014-08-04T23:10:56-07:00August 5th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|1 Comment

How to Create an Awesome User Experience with Multiple Communication Channels

We live in a time of unprecedented choice.

From custom TV packages with thousands of channels to creating the perfect station on Pandora, consumers have come to expect plenty of options to suit their unique tastes.

Are you giving users different options to connect with you once they land on your website?

Or are you limiting them to email and online contact forms?

Putting the power of choice in users’ hands – opening up multiple communication channels – can lead to more leads and customers.


By |2014-07-28T09:09:50-07:00July 29th, 2014|The Funnel|0 Comments

Optimization and Testing Takeaways from OptiCon 2014

Last week leading A/B testing company Optimizely held their first conference in San Francisco, OptiCon 2014. In addition to several exciting announcements from the company, OptiCon brought together leading Conversion Rate Optimization and digital marketing professionals to share their experiences and learn from one other. As tools like Optimizely make the tactics of testing easier and more accessible, the challenge shifts to the process and organizational challenges that need to be overcome to build successful optimization programs. These seemed to be the dominant themes from the sessions that I attended, which I’ve summarized along with some key takeaways here.


By |2014-04-24T15:15:32-07:00April 25th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

5 Practical Typography Tips for More Engagement and Conversions

A business philosophy that embraces incremental improvements and continuous testing pays off for months and years down the line.

The conversion rate optimization process is essential to making the most of limited resources and creating a long-term edge over your competitors. Yet those subtle improvements won’t have the effect you want if people don’t stick around to read your content.

Paying a little attention to how you present your content buys you invaluable time and attention to engage visitors and encourage them to become buyers.

Keep reading to discover practical ways how to do it using typography.


By |2014-04-21T14:48:25-07:00April 1st, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|4 Comments

What Matt Cutts’ Revelation on Social Media Means for CRO

Google’s Matt Cutts is making headlines again, with the release of a new video that challenges some common assumptions about the role of social media in search optimization. Responding a reader question, Cutts addresses a common perception: that social media signals (e.g. number of followers, likes or retweets) play an important role in the SEO process. Yet it turns out that this assumption is completely false. Google’s algorithm currently doesn’t have any factors in it that relate to signals from sites like Facebook or Twitter. This has major potential ramifications for how you think about the relationship between social media, SEO and CRO.


By |2014-04-21T14:52:06-07:00March 7th, 2014|Digital Marketing|3 Comments

How Digital Maturity Impacts the CRO Process

In conversations about online marketing, there are often  a lot of “you shoulds” and “you musts” that enter the discussion.  Yet every recommendation isn’t appropriate for every business. That’s why it’s critical that you test everything to make sure it’s the right fit for your products, audience, and business goals. An operating framework – such as Cialdini’s influence model – can be a great starting point for developing and testing hypotheses. One such framework that offers an important point of reference for organizations developing testing programs is Digital Maturity. Here’s a closer look at the ideas behind Digital Maturity, how it relates to a company’s data culture,  and ultimately its impact on your organization’s conversion rate optimization efforts.


By |2014-04-21T14:52:28-07:00March 5th, 2014|Strategy|4 Comments

A Simple 5 Step Lead Generation Approach to B2B Email Marketing

Lead generation is the heart and soul of many business models, especially services firms and SaaS providers that rely on a steady flow of new customers for cash flow and growth. The tactics available for lead generation range from using appointment setting firms to hiring outside sales teams to improving your SEO and inbound marketing tactics. But a number of anecdotal experiences suggest that strategic outbound email marketing (and applying similar techniques to networking through platforms like LinkedIn) can help get you in front of the CEO (or your target prospect) quickly and effectively. The advantage of targeted emailing campaigns is that they let you control which companies and contacts you make and attract to your company. Here’s a closer look at one technique I’ve seen in play very successfully, specifically in B2B markets.


By |2014-04-21T14:52:41-07:00February 28th, 2014|The Funnel|5 Comments

Applying Cialdini’s Influence & Persuasion Strategies to CRO

If you read one book on entrepreneurship and the art of persuasion, it should be Cialdini’s classic, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” The core of his argument is simple. There are specific levers that marketers can pull on to build trust, move prospects along the buying funnel, and get them to take action. The framework has been widely adopted in the worlds of direct sales, online marketing, and copywriting. But Cialdini’s influence strategies also play an important role in conversion rate optimization testing. Let’s take a closer look at how the two are related, and what entrepreneurs need to do in order to put this theory into practice in a way that improves conversions and generates real ROI for the business.


By |2014-04-21T14:53:19-07:00February 19th, 2014|Strategy|6 Comments
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