Fire Up Demand Gen and Sales: Best Practices for SaaS Landing Pages 2024

As global unrest and economic uncertainty persist, belts are tightening in most business sectors. While ChartMogul takes the optimistic spin that SaaS growth has “stabilized,” in reality, that translates to the fact that growth in many specific SaaS sectors is stalling or declining.

Best Practices for SaaS Landing Pages 2024

Source: ChartMogul

Optimizing consumer touchpoints is more crucial than ever. High-converting landing pages are strategic assets that transform curious visitors into engaged users and paying customers. 

Imagine a visitor landing on your website after clicking on a targeted ad. Their initial impression, shaped by your B2B SaaS landing pages, determines whether they become a lead or bounce away. Technology and consumer trends are changing, so we’ve adapted our best practices for SaaS landing pages in 2024 to reflect changing buyer expectations and new AI tools. 

Effective landing pages take time to optimize. They are part of strategic SaaS marketing campaigns that understand the different stages of the sales funnel. If you invest in ads, nailing your PPC landing page best practices is essential!

Just like buyers, landing pages are not one-size-fits-all. This post explores landing pages in the context of the SaaS funnel buyer stages: Awareness, Activation/Purchase, and Expansion/Upsell. But first, let’s look at some basics that every landing page should have, regardless of buyer stage. 

Global SaaS Landing Page Best Practices

Regardless of the prospect phase, the best SaaS landing pages share some common attributes. For inspiration, HubSpot offers many examples of best practices for landing pages. Additional tips include:

Regardless of the prospect phase, the best SaaS landing pages share some common attributes. Click To Tweet
  1. Understand the importance of customer journey and intent.
  2. Use strong visuals and compelling copy throughout the landing page. Be sure your landing pages integrate with the website design to keep the customer journey on-brand.
  3. Ensure an optimal experience for mobile landing pages to ensure happy mobile users across devices.
  4. Prioritize page load time for quick access and improved engagement. Slow pages lead to an increased bounce rate.
  5. A/B testing at all phases helps optimize page elements to improve conversion rates continuously. You can optimize everything on the page with testing, from the CTA button color to your headlines. With multiple pages and stages, A/B testing can get overwhelming. At Funnel Envy, we’re used to dealing with that complexity. Reach out if you have questions.
  6. Closely track upgrade metrics. Monitor conversions, upgrade paths, and churn rates to understand what resonates with your user base and optimize your expansion landing pages accordingly.
  7. Measure performance metrics and track key funnel stages.

Sparking Interest: SaaS Landing Pages for the Awareness Stage

The awareness stage represents the first encounter between potential customers and your SaaS product.

At this point, visitors are likely unfamiliar with your brand, and their main focus is understanding how you can solve their pain points. The awareness stage can be the best landing page for lead generation. A common desired conversion is to capture email addresses for email marketing.

Key Strategies for High-Converting Awareness Landing Page

  • Hook Them with a Captivating Headline. Use clear, concise language that addresses your target audience’s pain points. Think benefit-driven statements that pique curiosity and promise a solution.
  • Showcase Solutions, Not Features. Don’t get bogged down in technical jargon. Instead, focus on your product’s benefits and how it makes users’ lives easier.
  • Visuals Tell a Story. Include high-quality images and videos that resonate with your audience and visually represent the value proposition. Think hero images, screenshots, or explainer videos.
  • Social Proof Builds Trust. Feature testimonials, case studies, and logos from satisfied customers to establish credibility and build trust with first-time visitors.
  • Frictionless Lead Capture. Offer valuable, downloadable content like e-books, white papers, or webinars in exchange for email addresses. Keep form fields minimal and focus on capturing essential information.
  • Clear Call to Action (CTA). A clear CTA button is essential. Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do next, whether signing up for a free trial, scheduling a demo, or subscribing to your newsletter. Use strong, action-oriented CTA buttons that stand out visually.

Key Tips for Awareness Landing Pages

  • Target Your Messaging. Personalize your landing page content to different audience segments for increased relevance and engagement.
  • Mobile-First Design. Ensure your landing page is responsive and optimized for mobile devices, where a significant portion of your traffic will likely originate.

Landing Pages for the Activation/Purchase Stage

Congratulations! You’ve successfully captured attention and ignited interest in your product during the awareness stage. Now comes the crucial activation stage, where you need to transform those intrigued visitors into engaged users and paying customers.

Best Practices for SaaS Landing Pages in 2024 to Generate Sales

Focus on Early Wins

  • Highlight Quick Value. Showcase how users can achieve tangible results and solve minor problems within the first few minutes or days of using your product.
  • Frictionless Onboarding. Streamline the signup, login, and onboarding process to minimize friction and ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Demo the Power. Utilize product demos, explainer and demo videos, and interactive walkthroughs to visually demonstrate your product’s key features and functionalities.

Drive Product Engagement

  • Showcase User Achievements. Display progress trackers, badges, or gamification elements to keep users motivated and engaged as they explore the product.
  • Offer Personalized Tutorials. Based on user actions and preferences, suggest relevant tutorials, knowledge base articles, or contextual help menus to guide them further.
  • Live Chat Support. Offer available chat support to address user questions and concerns in real time, fostering trust and a sense of community.

Nurture User Satisfaction

  • Gather Feedback. Implement in-app surveys, feedback forms, or satisfaction ratings to understand user experiences and identify areas for improvement.
  • Highlight User Success Stories. Showcase testimonials, case studies, and success stories from existing users to demonstrate your product’s positive impact on real people.
  • Personalized Communication. Leverage AI tools to trigger customized email campaigns, in-app notifications, or targeted recommendations, keeping users engaged and interested.

Key Tips for Landing Pages That Drive Sales

  • Track Key Metrics. Monitor user behavior, engagement rates, and conversion points to identify areas for optimization and ensure your landing pages are effectively driving activation.
  • Leverage Data-Driven Insights. Use the data you gather to personalize your landing pages and tailor your messaging to resonate with each user’s unique needs and journey.

Level Up Growth: Pages for the Expansion/Upsell Stage

Your users are now familiar with your SaaS product and experiencing its value. The expansion/upsell stage presents an exciting opportunity to encourage upgrades, promote premium features, and cultivate long-term customer loyalty.

Key Strategies for High-Converting Expansion Landing Pages

Quantify Achieved Value

  • Highlight User Progress. Showcase user dashboards, progress reports, or data visualizations that demonstrate the tangible benefits they’ve achieved with your product.
  • Personalize Milestones. Identify critical moments within the user journey and trigger targeted landing pages highlighting relevant premium features that can enhance their progress.
  • Social Proof for Premium Users. Feature testimonials and success stories from users who have upgraded to premium plans showcasing the additional value they unlocked.

Introduce Premium Features

  • Clearly Communicate Benefits. Don’t just list features; focus on how they solve specific pain points, unlock new capabilities, and accelerate user goals.
  • Personalized Feature Recommendations. Based on user data and activity, suggest relevant premium features directly addressing their needs and aspirations.

Motivate Upgrade Action

  • Limited-Time Offers. Trigger scarcity and urgency with limited-time discounts, exclusive bundles, or early access opportunities for premium plans.
  • Frictionless Upgrade Flow. Make the upgrade process as simple and seamless as possible with clear CTAs, minimal fields, and secure payment options.
  • Support. Offer readily available support to address users’ questions or concerns during the upgrade process.

Key Tips for Conversion Stage Pages

  • Maintain Trust and Transparency. Communicate the value proposition of each plan and avoid misleading tactics. 
  • Social Proof Markers. These can do the talking for you. Focus on building long-term customer relationships based on trust and mutual benefit.

By implementing these best practices, you can craft upsell landing pages that effectively showcase the enhanced value of premium plans, motivate users to upgrade, and unlock the full potential of your existing customer base. 

Moving Ahead with Best Practices for SaaS Landing Pages 2024

This year, 2024, promises to be challenging for SaaS companies. However, don’t forget that challenge means opportunity for those who keep current and keep moving! 

We hope these tips help you implement some best practices for SaaS landing pages in 2024 that are free of jargon, clutter, and distractions.

If you want to know where to start improving, testing, and optimizing your SaaS landing pages, Funnel Envy can help. We have used AI tools long before the ChatGTP era and are experts in new integration and possibilities. You don’t have to do this alone. Reach out today to get started.

By |2024-02-08T04:12:44-08:00February 19th, 2024|Landing Pages|0 Comments

Powering On-Page SEO and PPC to Boost SaaS Website Traffic

The rise of AI set off a series of shockwaves in the SEO services industry while handing Google the first serious threat in years to its preeminence. In response, the search and web ads giant is revamping its search engine results page (SERP).

Many companies are re-evaluating their marketing strategies, from social media marketing to SaaS SEO strategy. From this point on, it will be all the more essential to acknowledge Google’s changes and the role of AI in powering on-page search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay-per-click (PPC) ads to boost SaaS website traffic.

Google’s New SERP and Search Generative Experience (SGE) 

Google’s new AI search experience, Google Search Generative Experience (SGE), integrates AI into the SERP. Instead of offering organic search results and featured snippets above the fold, organic results are further down the page and may impact non-paid search traffic and click-through rates.

While changes are still in play, the upshot for SaaS businesses is that Google’s search results pages will probably send less direct traffic to websites. At the same time, increased use of AI in an already competitive space will likely drive up keyword and ad prices.

Let’s look at an update.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to optimizing elements on a website to improve its visibility, technical performance, and ranking in search engine results. On-page SEO now leverages AI tools for optimizing keywords, content relevance, and enhancing user experience.

Improving On-Page Search Rankings 

With so much pressure to adapt to an AI marketing strategy, it can feel overwhelming where to start. A good strategy is to focus on shoring up the SEO basics, starting with technical SEO. The good thing about technical SEO techniques is that they give marketers a checklist of specific actions to improve SEO.

Technical SEO checklist for better search engine rankings

Technical SEO focuses on improving a website’s speed, security, mobile-friendliness, and user experience. Here are a few website elements that search engine bots evaluate:

  1. Positive user experience: A positive user experience can lead to better search engine rankings; a poor user experience can negatively impact SEO efforts.
  1. SaaS Content optimization: Optimizing content for organic traffic from specific search engines can help you rank higher in search results.
  2. Canonicalization: This technical SEO approach involves choosing a preferred URL for a website’s content to avoid duplicate content issues, which can harm search engine rankings.
  3. Mobile-friendliness: Good mobile UX is a ranking signal on most search engines, including Google and Bing. Mobile-friendly sites will show up higher in search results.
  1. Page speed: Page and site speed are primary considerations for search engines. A technical SEO audit can help pinpoint where to improve on-page optimization.
  2. Crawling and indexing: When search engines can crawl your website easily and quickly, it leads to better indexing and ranking of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). Create XML sitemaps, use formatting and correct url structure to help search engines quickly glean and index content.

With an optimized on-page experience, your pay-per-click conversions should improve, too. Let’s go over some basics.

Effective SaaS Content Marketing and SEO

Content marketing is essential to online marketing efforts. Here are some tips for building strategies and creating content to fuel SaaS growth.

  • Design a content strategy with high-quality content conforming to Google’s EEAT framework.
  • Content creation should include blog posts, guides, webinars, and a case study of your ideal client’s success. Produce an “ultimate guide” of informative content addressing your target audience’s common questions. Be intentional about link building and internal links.
  • Optimize content for users and search engines: Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your content in meta tags, title tags, and meta descriptions. Ensure content is well-structured and easy to read. Avoid keyword stuffing. 
  • Promote content across channels: Besides internal linking, share your content on social media, guest blog on industry websites, share case studies, and utilize email marketing to reach a wider audience.

What is PPC? 

PPC is a digital advertising model that drives paid website traffic. Instead of free organic traffic, advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks one of their ads. PPC strategies are evolving to leverage AI’s ability to analyze large data sets for precise targeting and bid management. 

AI and PPC Marketing – Good and Bad News

AI makes some things harder even as it helps with other tasks. Keyword strategies are what fuel PPC marketing. The bad news is that AI is fueling more keyword competition, which drives costs. The good news is that all marketers can access new tools to help improve targeting, ad copy, and ad campaign efficiency. 

PPC Strategies: Keyword Ideas for Targeting High-Intent Buyers

Different keywords map the buyer persona’s different awareness stages in the marketing funnel. Organizing content topics and long-tail keywords around search intent is a simple way to organize your approach.

SaaS SEO and PPC

Source: Penheel Marketing

Using Google Ads for High-Buying Intent Terms

By carefully selecting keywords and terms that prospective customers use when they’re ready to buy, a SaaS company or SEO agency can position your ads to capture this valuable audience. 

Generally, it’s more cost-effective to run paid ads in the transactional phase of awareness when the prospect is highly intent to purchase. Use high-intent seed keywords within keyword phrases to attract users ready to pull out their credit cards. Examples include words such as buy, price, deals, and shipping. 

Focusing on targeting and personalization is critical if your goal is to maximize ROI with targeted PPC campaigns. If you’re thinking that this can get complicated, you are right. Funnel Envy can help.

SaaS SEO and PPC Best Practices in 2024

On-page SEO and PPC can increase website traffic, but each has different strengths. SEO primes long-term growth, and PPC provides an immediate impact.

The magic balance? Combine them both! Use PPC data for SEO targeting, optimize both channels’ landing pages, and leverage PPC boosts for new content.

Here are the best practices to use as a PPC and SaaS SEO guide in 2024. These suggestions are prioritized from most important to least important. Every business differs, so you should adjust based on your marketing and customer acquisition goals.

  • Align goals: Ensure both efforts support shared objectives and use data from each to inform the other.
  • Optimize for user intent: Conduct thorough keyword research and create content for targeted landing pages.
  • Prioritize mobile experience: Design and optimize for mobile users and address technical SEO issues.
  • Focus on quality content: Create engaging SEO content and compelling ad copy for PPC. Make sure your blog includes high-quality backlinks.
  • Utilize data and analytics: Track performance with tools like Google Analytics. Conduct A/B tests and iterate strategies.

Landing Pages

On-page SEO and PPC for SaaS landing pages deserve special mention. At the landing page level, develop targeted landing pages for each PPC campaign and SEO keyword cluster to match the specific user intent behind the search query. 

Focus on a clear value proposition and concise copy highlighting the benefits of your SaaS solution and addressing user pain points. Finally, optimize for conversions with an intuitive user experience, clear calls to action, and fast page load times.

On-page SEO and PPC Strategies: Drive Qualified Traffic

With best practices guiding your overall plan, here are some specific strategies.

Keyword Strategy, Research, and Targeting

Organize target keywords by intent and customer journey. Use a broad keyword list to cover general industry searches, niche keywords to target specific stages, and branded keywords to capture users already aware of your brand.

Analyze competitor’s SEO and PPC for keyword ranking factors. Identify high-performing keywords and leverage them in your campaigns while finding gaps and targeting underserved niches.

Research seasonal and trending topics. Tailor your keyword usage to current industry trends and seasonal events to capture timely traffic.

Leveraging PPC for Qualified Traffic

All traffic is not created equal. Besides converting sales, another benefit of PPC is it can help you qualify your website traffic. Here are some ideas: 

  • Smart bidding strategies: Utilize automated bidding options like target CPA or ROAS to optimize ad spend and focus on conversions.
  • Retargeting campaigns: Target website visitors who haven’t converted yet with relevant ads reminding them of your product.
  • Dynamic search ads: Automatically generate ads based on your website content, ensuring relevance to user searches.
  • Experiment with different ad formats: Test video, image, and carousel ads to see what resonates best with your target audience.
  • Track and analyze data: Regularly monitor the performance of your SEO and PPC campaigns, using insights to adjust strategies and optimize for better results.

Remember that building a successful SaaS SEO and PPC strategy is ongoing. Experiment, test, and refine your approach based on data to attract qualified traffic and convert visitors into paying customers.

Moving Ahead with On-Page SEO and PPC

Anyone in the business can tell you digital marketing wasn’t easy even before AI. While AI tools are opening up significant advantages, they are also introducing new challenges, not to mention a considerable learning curve.

If you are wondering where to start with on-page SEO and PPC to boost your SaaS website traffic, Funnel Envy can help. We have used AI tools before the ChatGTP era and are experts in new integration and possibilities. You don’t have to do this alone. Reach out today to get started.

By |2024-01-25T04:52:10-08:00February 5th, 2024|Paid Media|0 Comments

2024 B2B SaaS Buyer Preferences: Human-Centric Digital Experiences over Sales Calls

Unsurprisingly, artificial intelligence is the big news for B2B SaaS marketing and sales in 2024. Yet while generative AI is transforming B2B SaaS marketing, the other big news is not about tech disruption but about people – specifically about the sales experience buyers want now.

The sales process, in particular, is undergoing a transformative shift. We’ll go over some research about what modern SaaS buyers are looking for in the sales experience. 

First of all, though, you should revisit the difference between sales and marketing before you revamp your strategies. Many teams understand this, but it can also be confusing because the rise of “growth marketing” may blur the line between marketing and sales.

B2B SaaS Marketing vs.Sales

Gary Vee, mega influencer and Vayner Media’s CEO has talked about authenticity and consistency as the key to audience engagement for several years. Digital super-marketer Neil Patel’s recent email to his million-plus subscribers said brand authenticity and consistency are critical for 2024. 

Forbes echoes these thoughts, pointing out that B2B brands create interconnected experiences to differentiate themselves in 2024. Experiences such as virtual reality product demos, interactive webinars, and personalized online journeys can enrich a digital-first sales process. 

Additional B2B Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 Include: 

  • Using artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Video marketing, especially short-form videos
  • Automation to speed up time-consuming tasks
  • Authentic marketing
  • Personalizing the audience’s experience
  • Focusing on sustainability marketing

How should brands hit the ground running with these trends? The first step is to clarify marketing vs. sales. A lot of content online offers tips on marketing strategy alongside sales advice without clarifying the difference. This lack of clarity can lead to feeling overwhelmed or pushing on the right actions at the wrong time.

Marketing creates awareness to attract and educate potential customers. The goal is to generate interest in the product through content marketing (like social media and blogs), SEO, and digital advertising.

Some B2B SaaS businesses contract with marketing agencies to create marketing strategies. To develop these marketing plans, the marketing agency focuses on SaaS trends and the customer journey. 

The sales function truly begins when the marketing funnel increases demand generation. Sales converts prospects to paying clients by understanding the prospect and personalizing their journey. Yet, regarding engaging in sales conversations, recent research shows that most buyers no longer want to talk to salespeople. 

This post focuses on solutions to help sales update SaaS sales processes and where to optimize to increase customer acquisition in a world where buyers prefer seamless digital experiences over in-person calls.

A Shift Towards Digital Engagement over Traditional Sales Interactions

Safe money suggests that AI and automation will scale the processes that fuel sales and revenue growth in the future.

2024 B2B SaaS Buyer Preferences

Source: Garnter, The Future of Sales: Digital-First Sales Transformation Strategies

Gartner’s B2B buyer preference research found that 75% of B2B buyers prefer a rep-free sales experience. Click To Tweet

Buyers today prefer to explore options, compare solutions, and make decisions without engaging with a salesperson. This shift reflects a broader trend in the digital transformation of business operations and the growing comfort of buyers with online transactions.

Digital marketing funnels are second nature to the SaaS industry. SaaS products naturally lend themselves to a digital sales approach. The opportunity for developing a competitive advantage lies in Gartner’s finding that buyers purchasing via self-service channels are far more likely to regret the purchase.

Focusing on customer retention via optimizing human-centric digital experiences is critical. Let’s look at some practical steps teams can consider. 

How to Reduce B2B Sales Friction in the Digital Journey

In simplifying the digital sales process, the goal is a user experience that is as frictionless as possible, enabling buyers to find information, evaluate solutions, and make purchasing decisions easily. Here are three ways to do that:

Streamlined Website Navigation and User Interface

Design your website with straightforward, intuitive navigation and a user-friendly interface. Frustrating websites are an automatic turn-off. 

Responsive Websites

Invest in technology that helps you serve personalized content to visitors based on their actions. This content improves the user’s experience, increases conversions, and builds trust. If you have questions about how this works, we can help.

Interactive Chatbots 

AI-powered chatbots on your website that can provide immediate, 24/7 assistance to visitors. The key is to ensure a high-quality interaction. We’ve all had the experience where the chatbot was more frustrating than helpful.

Navigating this shift towards a more digital-centric sales process takes time and effort. It requires not only an understanding of technology but also of the changing dynamics of B2B buyer behavior. 

Creating Human-Centric Digital Experiences

As digital interactions become the norm, the challenge for B2B SaaS companies is to create interactions that mimic authentic and engaging in-person experiences. Designing digital touchpoints that resonate with emotions is a great start. 

It’s easy to see that social media is the perfect vehicle for emotionally resonant content. It’s about connecting with the buyer, understanding their needs, and building relationships. 

However, social media is usually more influential during awareness and discovery. For the sales funnel, here are some ways you can optimize content:

Personalized Video Messaging

A personalized video message can convey warmth, sincerity, and a genuine interest in solving the client’s problems.

Interactive Webinars and Virtual Product Demos 

Webinars can be an excellent stand-in for prospects who want to avoid 1:1 sales calls. Host webinars or virtual product demos that are informative and interactive, giving sales representatives a chance to talk with prospects and answer questions.

Tailored content and recommendations

Use data analytics and AI to understand your prospects’ interests and behaviors. 

Technology plays a pivotal role in crafting these human-centric digital experiences. You can use advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning to understand buyer behavior and preferences, allowing for more personalized and relevant interactions. 

Create a personalized website experience where visitors see content based on their customer journey. Not sure how you can make all that happen? No problem, we’re here to help. 

The Role of Self-Service in SaaS Sales

SaaS products have a natural alignment with self-service sales. From free trials to subscriptions, SaaS prospects often look for a quick way to try and purchase products. 

With buyers now looking for more self-service options, the information-gathering segment of their journey is a logical place to optimize and stand out. 

Here are two suggestions:

Comprehensive Knowledge Bases and Resource Centers

Develop a thorough knowledge base or resource center easily accessible on the website. This resource should include detailed FAQs, how-to guides, tutorials, and case studies.

Interactive Product Tours 

Interactive product tours allow prospects to explore the features and functionalities of the SaaS product at their own pace. These could include virtual walkthroughs, interactive demos, or customizable feature explorers.

Moving Ahead in 2024 with B2B SaaS Buyer Preferences

The future of B2B SaaS sales will reveal rich digital interactions, personalized experiences, emotional touchpoints, and seamless self-service options. Companies can increase profits by creating more effective, efficient, and customer-centric sales processes focusing on these areas.

We know that implementing a digital-first landscape can be challenging. Funnel Envy specializes in helping B2B SaaS companies adapt to these changes. We know you have unique concerns and are here to help you. Reach out today to get the conversation started.

By |2023-12-28T00:56:42-08:00January 8th, 2024|General B2B Funnel Advice|0 Comments

How SaaS companies should approach pricing pages

Pricing can be controversial in many sectors of the business community, partly due to the general human attitude towards money. According to research by Wells Fargo, 44% of Americans find talking about money more difficult than other serious topics, including politics, religion, and even death. And while it’s easier to talk money in a business context, you’d be surprised how many people are still somewhat sensitive to budget discussions in the B2B realm.

That’s why it can be challenging for startups to address pricing pages properly. Your pricing page is like an online version of a conversation about cost with a sales rep. When done correctly, it can add value to the buyer’s journey and nurture clients toward choosing the most profitable options. Or it could repel prospects if the pricing page poorly conveys value.

Your pricing page is like an online version of a conversation about cost with a sales rep. Click To Tweet

Software pricing can be particularly complex because of its nature. There is no physical product or anything to put in a client’s hand. They don’t receive a box or envelope in the mail. Yet the right business software can be exponentially more valuable than any physical package or equipment.

If you’re a software company or similar startup looking to nail your pricing page, this post will provide some general strategies you can apply to your funnel, no matter what kind of service or product you offer.

Presentation is Key

The way you present different pricing options greatly influences how site visitors perceive your pricing. Consider how a restaurant might have prices on its drive-thru menu or a movie theater would set concession prices. These examples are consumer-based, but the lesson is the same: juxtaposing the cost of your desired option with more and less expensive options can help nudge prospects down the desired path.

Consider the movie theater example. You might be offered a small popcorn for $4.00, medium for $5.75, and large for $6.50. Even if you originally wanted a medium, looking at the relatively small cost difference between the large and medium, you’re more likely to spring for the large.

This hypothetical is just one example: we frequently see strategies involving color, shape, and page placement. Think about the many pricing or subscription pages you’ve viewed over time, and you’ll probably be able to come up with a few ideas or devices that worked exceptionally well. 

Another significant concern with the presentation on your pricing page is how you’ll discuss the particular features and benefits mentioned. Typically, this is where software companies might tout their most crucial features or ones that differentiate them from competitors in the field. You may also consider offering a different pricing structure for those companies willing to pay a larger percentage upfront using something like a quarterly payment plan. Remember the old marketing adage here: benefits are more important than features. It’s nice to say what something does, but it’s even better to say what kind of result it will create for the buyer or their organization.

Experiment With CTAs

Calls to action (or CTAs) are vital because they represent the bridge from your pricing page to a prospect converting into a client. You can change many different options here, including these:

  • Copy. The specific words you use for your CTA can have an impact on how well you’re able to convert page visitors into clients. Use specific action verbs whenever possible, but don’t make them too long.
  • CTA shapes. The classic option is a rectangular button – you’ve probably seen the type frequently. Some brands might incorporate ovals, squares, or a more uncommon shape to stand out and catch a visitor’s eye.
  • Colors. The colors you choose for the background, CTA elements, and text will always influence a visitor’s decision to convert. We’ve used color psychology for decades in pricing strategies for all different kinds of companies, both B2B and B2C. For example, blue is associated with trust and safety, while orange is considered aggressive and active.

Make sure that you track pricing page data as you experiment with different CTAs so that it’s clear which ones are moving the needle regarding conversions.

Lean Towards Simplicity

Many software startups provide a relatively complex digital tool for clients, whether because of regulatory concerns or industrial standards. For example, healthcare software companies may have to include an extra layer of security or encryption for HIPAA-related concerns. Manufacturing software providers might need to ensure their clients meet ISO or ANSI standards created for their field.

Even if your software falls into this category, distilling it into the simplest possible terms on your pricing page is meaningful. Whenever possible, have a bias towards fewer options and elements. This idea holds if you want to optimize your existing pricing page or alter your pricing strategy to include a new tier. Whatever new elements you are thinking about adding, be sure they are necessary to add more context to your page visitor or help get them closer to making the best decision for business purposes.

White space is a common design tool startups use in anything from pricing pages to content assets to landing pages. White space can help your pricing page maintain a smooth, clean look and contribute to improved readability – an important element to help visitors learn about your offering and understand why it’s worth the asking price.

Final Thoughts on Pricing Pages

You don’t want to take an “old school” approach to pricing where it’s hard to access or requires a visitor to offer their email address or phone number. Today’s buyer – especially in the B2B software field – is looking for valuable information as quickly as possible. 

On the other hand, you don’t want to provide pricing for your product or service immediately on your website before you can add sufficient context. Doing this may be just as off-putting to a visitor as excessively guarding your pricing tiers and strategies. 

Instead, your pricing page needs to land somewhere in the middle: you have to offer enough details to give visitors the information they need and allow them to determine whether or not their budget fits your asking price, but not so many details that it causes questions about the worth of what you’re offering.

Finding this balance between informative and simplistic can be tricky if you’ve never created one before. It will take a fair amount of trial and error to determine how exactly to seek this balance for your business, your specific offering, and the kind of people you want as clients.

One of the best ways to help speed up optimizing your pricing page is to seek help from experts who’ve done it before. Our team at FunnelEnvy has years of experience working with clients with all types of pricing pages, from complex tiered subscription models to straightforward lifetime license plans. We can help ensure your pricing page has all the elements needed to maximize conversions without any wasted space. Just fill out this quick form to make sure we are a good fit and learn more about what we offer.

By |2023-07-26T04:06:14-07:00August 7th, 2023|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

FunnelEnvy Personalization Without Rules defines personalization as:
“to design or tailor to meet an individual’s specifications, needs, or preferences:”

Yet, little about personalization as it’s currently touted in mar-tech is actually personalized to an individual’s needs & preferences. Instead of serving the optimized experiences for each individual, customers are merely getting segmented into audiences based on predefined rules.

Putting visitors into segmented audience groups is not personalization.

While serving one of five eBooks based on industry is likely improvement over a static site, it’s far off from personalized.

At FunnelEnvy, we define this approach to optimization as rules-based personalization. Let’s compare this to FunnelEnvy’s personalization without rules.

FunnelEnvy enables experiences that are personalized without rules.

Instead of having pre-defined audiences, FunnelEnvy evaluates each visitor and interaction on a 1:1 basis to determine optimized experiences. Our AI based platform is continuously gathering data and self-improving to ensure every touch is optimized for revenue.

The optimized experience that’s served is often completely different than what a rules-based approach, that is void of any relevant customer context, would serve. The reality is that while marketers can do their best to match an audience to an experience, an AI approach that’s not limited by audiences will almost always outperform a human.

Example to illustrate the between rules-based personalization and FunnelEnvy.

Let’s say you own a Fin-tech company that currently has two eBooks to offer potential customers:

A: ‘10 tips for reducing costs’
B: ‘How to maximize your website for growth’

Now let’s say there are three people that visit your website.

Steve: Works at 10 person chatbot startup
John: Works at 2000 person regional clothing company
Tom: Works at 10000 person multinational shipping company

How Rules-Based Personalization handles the visitors:

With a rules-based approach, you decide to create two predefined audiences. You think that companies under 1,000 employees should see one experience, while those above 1,000 should see another.

With the two segments defined:
Steve would see the eBook “10 tips for reducing costs”
John and Tom would see “How to maximize your website for growth”

After running this experiment you find:
Steve – Bought your product.
Tom – Bought your product.
John – Did Not buy your product.

How FunnelEnvy Personalization handles the visitors:

FunnelEnvy analyzes many traits about the three visitors including:
Evaluating historical data of similar companies to those of Tom, John, and Steve
Looking at Salesforce data to look how other individuals in similar funnel position
Evaluating the Behavior of the three individuals on your website.
Much more…

After analyzing all this available data in real time, FunnelEnvy decides that:
Steve would see the eBook “10 tips for reducing costs”
John and Tom would see “How to maximize your website for growth”

There is no predefined audience based on company size, as the AI determines simply picks the experience that will most likely lead to revenue.

After running this experiment you find:
Steve – Bought your product.
Tom – Bought your product.
John – Bought your product.

As we can see from this example, having a fluid system that can bring in data and evaluate optimized experiences on a 1:1 basis outperforms a predefined and stagnant audience approach. If you are serious about optimizing your website for revenue, consider the advantages of FunnelEnvy’s AI-based approach vs a rules-based one.

By |2018-09-28T15:47:21-07:00April 20th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Develop (and Optimize) a Profitable SaaS Pricing Strategy

When you’re running a SaaS business, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

There are mountains of critical issues to deal with. Everything from improving the software and delivering a high quality customer experience, to reducing churn and making payroll every month.

Unfortunately, sometimes these demands drive SaaS businesses to overlook a crucial factor for their success: price.

Drawn out conversations and research is the last thing most people want to do after months (or years) spent developing the software and bringing it to market.

The temptation to just go with a price that feels right—to just “ship it” and see how it goes—is strong. It’s easy to tell yourself you’ll worry about this stuff later—once your business gets off the ground.

But overlooking price in the beginning can set you up for an uphill battle. Here’s how:


By |2015-07-24T13:08:39-07:00June 4th, 2015|SaaS|0 Comments

How to Get More Customers through a Complex Subscription Funnel

In the worlds of content marketing and conversion optimization, the buying funnel is a core part of the discussion. Understanding your customers and how they move through your buying process is absolutely critical for creating content, design, and other inputs that get prospects to take action. It’s also the foundation of developing smart strategies for conversion testing programs.

But the concept of a one size fits all approach to mapping the buying funnel misses something important. The standard formulas may be overly simplified for more complex products, such as software as a service (SaaS) products that rely on multiple micro-conversions to make the sale. Here’s an in-depth guide that’s designed to help you successfully map the buying funnel for a SaaS product. It’s also intended to serve as a case study for other marketers, especially those in the business to business (B2B) space that are struggling to understand their buyer’s journeys and convert those into actionable insights.


By |2014-04-21T14:53:40-07:00February 13th, 2014|The Funnel|2 Comments
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