Increase Conversions by Taking on The Voice of Your Customer

What makes great copy?

It’s the million dollar question.

Your copy’s at the heart of nearly all your marketing efforts. From sales emails to blog posts and video scripts to social media updates. If your copy doesn’t hit the mark your campaign will fall far short of your goal.

The web is full of articles on the topic of creating better copy. We’re told to focus on the benefits, make it scannable, use power words and know what our audience wants.

All of these little nuggets of wisdom definitely help, but they’re something of a long way round. They require a lot of thought and analysis. They require hours of sitting at a desk and attempting to discern the deeper meaning of your product and how it appeals to your audience.

Fortunately for us all, there’s a little shortcut copywriters have been using for a long, long time.


Yup. I said it. Why torture yourself in a vain attempt at discovering a marketing epiphany when you can simply “borrow” the best messaging right from the mouths of your primary prospects?

Conversions aren’t born of witty slogans or clever copy, they’re the result of desire and trust. If you can convince your prospects that you’re one of them and know their pain, can build their desire for your product and establish yourself as a trustworthy solution provider, the battle is all but won. What better way to show them you understand their problems than by using their own words?

But surely stealing from your audience is bad,” you say. And yes, I’d be inclined to agree if we were talking about something of actual value, but we’re not. We’re talking about repurposing their language so that your brand better aligns with your prospect’s ideals, needs and opinions.


By |2015-12-30T14:42:51-08:00December 31st, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|1 Comment

How to Increase Your B2B Lead Conversion Rate

You’ve spent a huge amount of time optimizing your social media, PPC, email and content marketing strategies. And yet despite the respectable level of traffic you’re receiving, you’re not seeing a decent lift in lead conversions.

It’s a problem many B2B marketers face and it’s often rooted in the difficulty of finding high quality leads. Sure you can get the traffic and a decent level of interest, but more often than not that interest doesn’t converting into paying business.

We can sit here and wax lyrical about the problem being with the quality of leads, but that’s hardly a new revelation. Knowing the problem is completely different to knowing how to fix it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some proven steps you can take to increase the effectiveness of our B2B campaigns.


By |2015-12-22T09:25:57-08:00December 22nd, 2015|Conversion Rate Optimization|2 Comments

What You Need to Know About Omni Channel Marketing

Once upon a time the customer journey was simple.

Consumers would see an advertisement, head into a brick and mortar store and buy the product. Simple and effective.

But times change. Technology’s developed, and customer expectations and behaviors have evolved.

The modern customer journey is anything but simple. Customers now average five different devices in their purchase journey. That’s five different points of contact and five times the potential for something to go wrong for the modern marketer.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The developments in tech have led to more than just an increase in contact points; they’ve caused an evolution in customer expectations. Customers expect brands to utilize every channel and customize messaging for each device.

Buying is no longer a linear path from exposure to purchase. It’s a winding road. One which your customers expect you to make as easily navigable as possible for them. They need a cohesive journey that engages them at every stage and spans every device in their journey.

For that, you need a comprehensive omni channel campaign.


By |2015-12-14T16:09:01-08:00December 15th, 2015|Strategy|0 Comments

6 Marketing Personalization Steps to Supercharge Your Campaigns

It can be a real hassle to keep up with the demands of the modern consumer.

With every new case study released or piece of advice that’s published there seems to be something else that customers expect of us. No one is content any longer to simply purchase a product and make do with that decision.

Customers want timely feedback from attentive and knowledgeable customer service agents. They need a fully optimized journey that’s simple enough for a child to navigate. They demand an experience lasting no longer than it needs and preferably much shorter than they expect.

Yet above all else the modern consumer wants one thing. They want to be treated as an individual. Modern consumer’s don’t want to feel like just another member of the crowd. They want a personalized journey that talks to them as a singular person and addresses their wants, needs, and expectations.


By |2015-12-07T15:43:41-08:00December 8th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

The Secrets to Successful Marketing Automation Campaigns

Marketing’s a tough old game, isn’t it.

There’s a lot to consider when you sit down to think about it. Contrary to what many may think, we’re not in the business of sitting around and coming up with witty messages or punny slogans to help sell products. Sure, that might be a small part of it, but the truth is a good marketer is as much a statistician and entrepreneur as they are a creative mastermind.

It can sometimes feel as though there aren’t not enough hours in the day to pore over your data reports and get timely, creative and compelling messages out to your audience. It’s a problem we all know too well.

While I’m averse to saying there’s a shortcut (because that’s definitely not what this is), there is a way to take some of the hassle out of your ongoing marketing woes.

I say that this isn’t a shortcut because, well, it requires a hell of a lot of work up front. But if you can dig deep and soldier on through the initial hardships associated with setting up an automated campaign, you’ll have more time to focus on the other areas of your business that help make you money.  (more…)

By |2015-11-30T16:24:48-08:00December 1st, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments
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