5 Tips to Increase Customer Loyalty in the Age of Social Media

Customer loyalty is an important metric of your business’ success. It gives you insight into issues ranging from whether you’re serving the right customers, to the quality of your products, to the level of your customer service. Loyal customers also have the potential to dramatically increase your profits over time. But loyal customers don’t just happen; they’re cultivated as part of a conscious process that’s built into your business’ DNA.

It’s up to you to use all the tools at your disposal to make this happen. Social media has opened new channels of communication, while also raising the bar on accountability for businesses. Here’s how to make the most of this opportunity, by applying good data analytics and testing models, and avoiding common social media pitfalls.


By |2014-07-02T22:34:17-07:00July 3rd, 2014|Digital Marketing|4 Comments

What Matt Cutts’ Revelation on Social Media Means for CRO

Google’s Matt Cutts is making headlines again, with the release of a new video that challenges some common assumptions about the role of social media in search optimization. Responding a reader question, Cutts addresses a common perception: that social media signals (e.g. number of followers, likes or retweets) play an important role in the SEO process. Yet it turns out that this assumption is completely false. Google’s algorithm currently doesn’t have any factors in it that relate to signals from sites like Facebook or Twitter. This has major potential ramifications for how you think about the relationship between social media, SEO and CRO.


By |2014-04-21T14:52:06-07:00March 7th, 2014|Digital Marketing|3 Comments

How to Improve Social Media Conversions with Customized Landing Pages

When someone visits your Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or Instagram profile what do they do next? Speaking for myself – and I’m sure I’m not alone – if someone looks remotely interesting then I’ll click on the link on their profile. So far, so good, but this behavior doesn’t help you with social media conversions. Usually the link points to the home page of the site and occasionally it points to an internal page. It may even point to an external page. How does that help you as a marketer and your social media followers? It doesn’t. All three of these links fail on two key factors:


By |2014-04-21T15:00:37-07:00November 4th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments
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