Every online business is investing in some way in digital marketing and a look into the Google Trends data suggests that more marketers and organizations are trying to figure out the best ways to realize a return on that investment. In this infographic we’ve pulled together some relevant activities, statistics and trends about Customer Acquisition and Customer Optimization, two sets of activities that marketers need to balance to generate value.

Click on the infographic below to see the larger version.

How to Generate Value from Digital Marketing

[Infographic Embed Code post_url=”https://www.funnelenvy.com/blog/2014/03/20/how-to-generate-value-from-digital-marketing/” image_url=”https://www.funnelenvy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Digital_Marketing_Acquisition_Optimization_FunnelEnvy.jpg” post_title=”How to Generate Value from Digital Marketing”]