Simple, Free A/B Testing With Google Content Experiments & WordPress

For any online business interested in A/B Testing these are great times. There are an incredible number of platforms and tools out there that we use daily to easily test copy, landing pages, and everything else on your site. Since I started with some simple scripts and Excel spreadsheets years ago, these tools have come a long way in terms of both usability and capability.

But many of these tools come with some hefty price tags that, while easily justified for a large ecommerce or SaaS business, are out of reach for many smaller companies. Many startups or small businesses can get a lot of benefit from testing, but don’t necessarily have the budget for the sophisticated platforms or require all of the bells and whistles.

As they often do, Google has provided us with a free (if limited) solution – Google Content Experiments. Since many SMBs run on WordPress, we thought putting together a simple guide on using Content Experiments with WordPress might make it easier for you to start your first test.


By |2014-04-21T14:57:35-07:00December 27th, 2013|Testing|0 Comments

Why Content Marketing Fails: 3 Tools to Improve Content-Driven Conversions

If you’ve been investing in content marketing and aren’t getting the results you hoped for, you’re not alone. A recent study highlighted on Forbes suggests that 10 to 20 percent of your site’s content drives 90 percent of your web traffic, and just .5 percent of that content is what’s really drawing in over 50% of visitors.

Before you conclude that this means content marketing isn’t effective, think again: There’s significant evidence that suggests content marketing works, when your content is sufficiently optimized and part of an overall data-driven strategy. It’s all about getting to the data of what really works for your business, and using that to improve your future content writing and promotion. Here’s how to avoid this common content marketing pitfall, and significantly increase your ROI.


By |2014-04-21T14:57:50-07:00December 23rd, 2013|The Funnel|6 Comments

10 Common Objections To A/B Testing And How To Handle Them

A/B testing (and more broadly conversion optimization) is for many online companies the highest Return on Investment (ROI) activity that they can undertake. Yet for all of the reasons to get serious about testing, there seem to be many objections that prevent companies and marketers from getting started.

These objections are often hotly debated and hard to untangle. It’s tough to know which voices to trust with all the static and bold claims being thrown around.

Let’s take a rational approach to this debate, forget about being “right” for pride’s sake, and help you use A/B testing as effectively as possible to build your business.

It’s Time to Question Assumptions

The most common objections to A/B testing tend to boil down to two things: 1) unfounded assumptions; or 2) lack of specialized knowledge or technical skill.

By taking a look at some of the most common objections to A/B testing, you can see if any are currently holding you back. Analyzing the situation objectively will give you insight into how to use A/B testing more effectively.


By |2014-04-21T14:58:29-07:00December 18th, 2013|Testing|3 Comments

5 Steps to Restore Analytics Sanity and Make Better Decisions

Imagine being able to make the right decisions for your business without relying on your intuition.

This can be your reality.

If you know how to pay attention to the right metrics, you can use a numbers-based approach to guide your actions, increase your revenue, and make a mark in your niche.

Is More Data Better?

Most businesses are at least familiar with the importance of using metrics to become more successful online.

So they fire up Google Analytics or another analytics platform. They take a look at the mountain of data that’s available to them, throw their hands in the air, and promise themselves they’ll sort it out later.

With all the different data points to review—even on basic analytics platforms—it’s understandable for people to feel overwhelmed. They don’t have the time to become a technical genius just to understand their analytics report; they have to focus on running and growing their business.


By |2014-04-21T14:58:39-07:00December 13th, 2013|Analytics|0 Comments

15 Ways to Get More Form Conversions

Opt-in, contact, lead gen, checkout–these forms are crucial to doing business online. Because they have direct impact on your revenue and marketing ability, you want as many visitors to complete these forms as possible.

Use this list of tips to help you boost conversions for your forms and get more subscribers, leads, and customers.


By |2014-04-21T14:58:50-07:00December 10th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How to Increase Sales with the Right Testimonials

It pays to sharpen your sales and marketing skills online.

These skills help you present your product or service to prospects in a way that persuades them to act. They let you paint a picture of just how different (and better) people’s lives would be if they bought what you’re selling.

But there’s something that not even the sharpest sales and marketing skills in the world can compete with in terms of raw persuasive power: testimonials from satisfied customers.


By |2014-04-21T14:59:01-07:00December 5th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How Responsive Design Can Boost Mobile Conversions

Do you have a mobile problem?

Maybe you’re getting plenty of mobile traffic, but a look at your analytics shows low time-on-page and high bounce/exit rates from mobile users.

Or maybe your mobile traffic sticks around, but conversion rate is abysmally low–and you’re not sure why.

With the mobile market growing at an astounding rate, what might look like a small problem at first can quickly snowball into something much worse. On the flipside, if you can address a mobile problem while it’s still small, the payoff can grow exponentially too.


By |2014-04-21T14:59:14-07:00December 3rd, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments
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